We are experiencing an increase in stress, anxiety, and depression throughout the world and are putting our lives at risk by abusing anti-depressants and sleeping pills to escape the burden. But it remains a question if there is no natural yet healthy solution for calming stress and anxiety.
Here's a solution for you from the wisdom of ancient medicine, Ashwagandha, a herb used for centuries to relax and calm the mind, as well as provide stress relief based on studies along with the goodness of hemp.
Ashwagandha: A potent stress-relieving herb
Ashwagandha has been known for ages for its rejuvenating, strengthening, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, and aphrodisiac properties.
According to Ayurveda texts, Ashwagandha is a Balya (providing strength), Rasayana (fighting aging), and a drug that balances Vata and Kapha doshas.
It has been used for calming the mind and for anxiety management. It has both physical and mental health benefits.
The qualities of Ashwagandha which make it useful for stress relief and anxiety management are these:
● Anti-stress – Ashwagandha with its effects enables your body to resist stress and helps your body to reserve and sustain your energy throughout the day. It promotes sound, restful sleep at night. Moreover, Ashwagandha helps maintain a healthy nervous system by providing a nourishing yet energizing effect.
● Anti cortisol –When your body encounters stress, it sends a signal to your adrenal gland. In response to this signal, the adrenal gland secretes the hormones named adrenaline and cortisol. But when you consume Ashwagandha, it reawakens your adrenal glands and stimulates your body's response to stress in a positive way. Ultimately, it helps reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) and the resulting symptoms of stress relief.
● Anti-anxiety - Ashwagandha has a calming and rejuvenating effect on the nervous system which relieves anxiety symptoms. Additionally, its anti-anxiety effects are backlinked with various researches.
Other benefits of Ashwagandha are:
● Ashwagandha provides strength and helps with weight gain in skinny persons. ● It can benefit women with white discharge.
● This superfood is also a nerve tonic.
● It strengthens the whole body. ● Ashwagandha offers effective results in insomnia
● It also prevents bone degeneration.
What's new with Health Horizons Ayurvedic blends?
With our nearly perfect balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6, plus Iron, Vitamin E, and all of the essential amino acids, Hemp Seeds are said to be the most nutritionally complete superfood source in the world.
Hemp, which is known as Vijaya in Ayurveda, is a plant that balances Kapha and Vata Doshas, revitalizes the digestive system, and is believed to have a rejuvenating aspect and with a combination of Ashwagandha and its effectiveness in calming the brain.
The anti-stress properties of Ashwagandha with hemp combined can make a potent combination that enhances your lifestyle in many aspects. Combined with Ashwagandha, hemp is easily digestible and energy-enhancing.
Ashwagandha plus hemp seeds in our Ayurveda blend Calm support the body's natural healing ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Both Ashwagandha and hemp are powerful stress-busters that work to reduce stress.
In a nutshell, when you will incorporate this powerful and strengthening combination of Ashwagandha and Hemp into your daily life with our Ayurveda blend of Calm blend for stress relief, you will witness good changes and growth in your physical, mental and social health like never before.