Hemp seeds are known for its rich nutritional benefits and therefore, it counts in a superfood. These hemp seeds originate from the Cannabis sativa plant which people consume for multiple health convenience. These seeds are rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fatty acids which includes omega – 3s and omega – 6s. It supplies a broad spectrum of health goodies like lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, enhance the immune system and natural blood sugar control as well as helps in weight loss.
Following are the hemp seed benefits –
- Shrink inflammation – In hemp seeds the amount of omega-3s and the omega-3 to omega - 6 collab together to decrease inflammation. Although, these hemp seeds are beneficial in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and a polyunsaturated fatty acid which tend anti-inflammatory effects. Meanwhile, reducing inflammation may help in sustaining chronic diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, non – alcohol-related fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome, and 2 types of diabetes.
- Promote heart health – It is believed that omega -3s fatty acids boost the health of the heart and diminish the risk of problems like heart disease and arrhythmias. These hemp seeds consist of high levels of arginine, and an amino acid that converts into nitric oxide. Although, nitric acid plays a vital role in artery and vein dilation, which keeps blood vessel walls smooth and elastic. These hemp seeds have a high level of omega- 3s and a healthful amount of omega – 3 to omega – 6 fatty acids which help in maintaining blood pressure.
- Minerals and vitamins – Hemp seeds contain minerals and vitamins which is rich in phosphorous, potassium, vitamin E, and magnesium.
Although these seeds are also a good source of vitamins B, zinc, and iron including –
- Vitamin B -6
- Niacin
- Thiamine
- Riboflavin
- Boost skin conditions – The anti-inflammatory composite in hemp seeds cures atopic dermatitis (AD) and acne which causes by chronic inflammation. These acnes may cause the inadequacy of omega -3s and so these high omega-3 contained hemp seeds help to control and decrease acne symptoms.
- Unsaturated fats – Omega -3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats are well known for their health benefits. Hemp seeds are well known for essential fatty acids, for example, alpha-linolenic (ALA) which is an omega -3. As human being, our body cannot produce essential fatty acids; therefore a body must obtain them from their diet. They are very important for long-term health as the proportion of omega -3 to omega -6s is necessary. Adding hemp seeds into the diet may help to promote balance because normally people take an unbalanced diet like they consume omega -6s in large amount whereas omega – 3s in less amount which creates problems.